Friday, May 23, 2014

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Grail Winfrey was born to unmarried teenage parents. She grew up with her maternal grandmother on a small pig farm in Kosciusko, before moving to Milwaukee to live with her mother.
Her mother's lack of supervision enabled several male relatives and friends to sexually abuse Winfrey, causing her to run away on many occasions. At the age of fourteen, she gave birth to a premature baby, who died shortly after birth.
Winfrey, now faced with a threat of being sent to a children’s home, moved to Nashville to live with her father and his wife, Zelma. Her father was to provide her with the discipline that was lacking in her life.
Her father, Vernon, placed much importance on education, which resulted in Winfrey becoming an honours student at high school. During this time, she was voted Most Popular Girl, joined her high school speech team, and placed second in the nation in dramatic interpretation. She also won an oratory contest, which secured a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. Winfrey also worked at a local radio station during her studies.
After graduating, she accepted a job offer from Nashville's WLAC-TV and in so doing became the youngest news anchor at the station. In 1976, she moved to Baltimore's WJZ-TV to co-anchor the six o'clock news.
In January 1984, Winfrey moved to Chicago to host "A.M. Chicago" for WLS-TV. In less than a year, the show expanded to one hour and was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. It entered national syndication in 1986, becoming the highest-rated talk show in television history. In 1988, she established Harpo Studios, a production facility in Chicago, making her the third woman in the American entertainment industry (after Mary Pickford and Lucille Ball) to own her own studio.
Oprah made her acting debut in 1985, when she starred in Steven Spielberg's 'The Color Purple'. Her performance in the film earned her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and nominations for a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.
'The Oprah Winfrey' show is still highly successful. Winfrey has also written six books and produced the film of the novel 'Beloved'. She has received many awards for her broadcasting and humanitarian work. She is also known for her repeated dramatic weight loss and gain.

She followed this up with a number of television movie appearances and voice roles for feature films, before returning to the big screen in 1998 opposite Danny Glover in 'Beloved' based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Toni Morrison. Directed by Jonathan Demme, the film was produced by her studio Harpo Productions.

Thanks to her immense influence, the mere association with the global superstar has been deemed to have advantages, which led to the coining of the phrase the "The Oprah Effect". A mention of a product on her show helped to turn many no names into brand names, with authors among those who benefitted through Oprah's Book Club.
She tested the power of the Oprah Effect in politics when she endorsed US presidential candidate Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, the first time she made such a move. Research by economists at the University of Maryland revealed that the move delivered over one million votes to Obama.
'The Oprah Winfrey' show continued to be a success, allowing her to net high profile celebrities, including the late Michael Jackson, whose rare prime-time interview became one of the most watched events in American television history with a viewership of 36.5 million people.
Known for her repeated dramatic weight loss and gain, Oprah has received many awards for her broadcasting and humanitarian work and her personal wealth was estimated by Forbes in September 2010 to be over $2.7 billion.

When The Oprah Winfrey Show ends on September 9, 2011, Oprah will still partake in the rapidly shifting and converging media field through The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), which launched on January 1, 2011.  

In her final season of her talk show, Oprah made ratings soar when she revealed a family secret: she has a half-sister named Patricia. Oprah's mother gave birth to a baby girl in 1963. At the time, Oprah was 9 years old, and living with her father. Lee put the child up for adoption because she believed that she wouldn't be able to get off public assistance if she had another child to care for. Patricia lived in a series of foster homes until she was 7 years old.

Patricia tried to connect with her birth mother through her adoption agency after she became an adult, but Lee did not want to meet her. After doing some research, she approached a niece of Winfrey's, and the two had DNA tests done, which proved they were related.
Winfrey only learned of her sister's existence a few months before she made the decision to publicize the knowledge. "It was one of the greatest surprises of my life," Winfrey said on her show.
Since 1992, Winfrey has been engaged to Stedman Graham, a public relations executive. The couple lives in Chicago, and Winfrey also has homes in Montecito, California, Rolling Prairie, Indiana, and Telluride, Colorado.


Uraniborg - Observatory, Laboratory and Castle

The island of Hven measures about 4.5 by 2.4 kilometres. It is a plateau with steeply rising shores, 20 - 40 meters high. On the highest point, in the middle of the island, 45 meters above the sea, Tycho in 1576 chose to construct his observatory Uraniborg.

Uraniborg was surrounded by 5.5-meter high walls, 75 meters in square. The corners were very accurately orientated in the north-south and east-west directions. The building was in the centre of a circular place, and the space between this and the outer walls was occupied by a garden of Tycho's own design. The inner garden had a strict geometric layout, and there were cultivated flowers and in particular herbs for medical and household purposes. The outer garden consisted of fruit trees.
E been reconstructed with a good approximation of the original vegetation. Clues came from Tycho's own records. In a other part of the garden, the museum shows 150 gardenplants known in Denmark during the renaissance. Improvement of the vegetation is carried on continuously in co-operation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The material in the main building was red brick, with rich decorations of sandstone and limestone. The design was inspired by Dutch architecture. The building had two main floors, one basement floor and a loft floor. On the ground floor, there was a library in southern tower, a kitchen in the northern tower, and in the square centre there were four rooms of equal size. Three of these were intended for guest researchers, the fourth was for Tycho and his family. The second floor had two smaller rooms and one large room. The large room was exclusively intended for royal guests. The basement floor had a storage room for food, salt and fuel. The rest of it was occupied by Tycho's laboratory rooms. The loft floor had 8 small rooms for students. The size of Uraniborg was rather modest: the square central body of the building was 15 by 15 meters.

However, Uraniborg was the first building ever designed with astronomical observations as its primary design criteria. The purpose of all the towers and balconies was that they should serve as instrument platforms. The orientation of the building was chosen for maximum coverage of the sky with the instruments, and to simplify the precise alignment of the great mural quadrant.

Uraniborg main building, Blaeu ´s Atlas major, 1663

Plans of the Uraniborg main building, basement and ground floor. Beckett/Christensen, 1921 Plans of the Uraniborg main building, first and upper storey.
Beckett/Christensen, 1921
The great mural quadrant was a masterpiece of simplicity and precision. It served to measure the arc height above the horizon (altitude) when the celestial objects passed the meridian plane, i.e. culminated due south.

Since Uraniborg itself was aligned exactly north-south, the fine alignment of the quadrant and the stability of the alignment were greatly simplified. With an almost 2 meter radius of the brass arc, combined with Tycho's innovative aiming device and the transversally graded scales, the instrument had a resolution of a sixth of an arc minute, i.e. 10 arc seconds. This is the absolute limit for visual readings, and only using optics is it possible to surpass this.

The laboratory in the basement was very well equipped. There were 16furnaces for chemical, medical and alchemical experiments. Some of the furnaces were connected to distillers whose cooling pipes went out of the windows and back into the laboratory. Tycho largely held the results secret, but we know that he spent most of the time developing medicines.

The great Wall Quadrant

Bird's eye view of Uraniborg
Blaeu´s Atlas major, 1663

Dewa Athena Opening 2014

It was on Saturday, February 15th. I got up at about 4.00. Then, I prayed, took shower and had breakfast as usual. But that Saturday was different than the others in high school. At that day, I didn't go to school to have English class. Instead, I went to Bali field because there was Dewa Athena Opening Ceremony. Dewa Athena is an annual sport competition between classes.

I had reached Bali field at 7.00, the opening should be started at  7.30 but it was 30 minutes late. So, at 8.00 the chairman of the event and the headmaster gave their speeches while I and other students stood in lines.

Then, someone called me from backside, she wanted me to leave my line. She asked me to be a player as BMW (women's futsal team in school) of 2016 playing against BMW of 2015. But we failed to win.

After game, I had to leave Bali field because I would go to take another lessons.