Thursday, November 21, 2013

Summary and Moral Value

Big Turtle story tells us about the world long time ago, when people lived in the beautiful Sky World and animals lived in under the Sky World which was all water. One day, a girl in the Sky World who was on her way, took a rest under a tree and fell asleep because she was very tired.

Suddenly, a big thunder made a big hole at where the girl sleeping She got up as she fell into the hole. Two swans that were swimming in the World Water, spread their wings to catch the falling girl.The swans and the girl didn't know what to do, it was impossible for the girl to come back to the Sky World but she also couldn't live in water or stay on swans wings.
The swans finally took the girl to Big Turtle and told him the incident. He called all water animals, telling them an old story about soil in deep water.
 It made everyone struggled for their chances to dive to deep water in an argument. Then, Toskwaye, an ugly little toad came and wanted her chance to dive. Everyone laughed at her because they thought she couldn't dive that deep. But Big Turtle said that all animals had their chances to dive.

 Other animals failed to get the soil, until Toskwaye's turn to dive. Everyone was afraid she couldn't get back. But after a while, she appeared on the water surface with the soil. She did it, though she died after it.

Big Turtle ordered the others to rub and spread the soil onto his shell. It grew to be an island that the girl could live on it. That is American Native Indian's legend about the world where we live nowadays, and Toskwaye is Mashutana -means Our Grandmother.

From the story, we can learn many things from the characters's characteristics. The swans teach us to help other people in trouble or difficulty. The water animals teach us not to underrate anyone because of his/her outward appearance, they might be better than us in other case. Toskwaye's characteristic teaches us not to depend on people's mockeries. BigTurtle's characteristic also make us learn that we have to be able to solve every problems wisely.

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