Sunday, September 29, 2013

Introducing A Friend

I'd like to introduce my friend. Her name is Nissa Febriani. She has a lot of nicknames like Nissa, Feb, Pebs, but everyone in high school calls her Pet. That name was given by Kang Anas when we were in PLiST. She lives at Cihanjuang, Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia. She goes to school by motorcycle. She has one young sister and one young brother, their names are Keysha and Aziz.
Her hobbies are playing video games and playing futsal. The video game she likes to play the most is Bioshock Infinite, she likes it because Cry –her favorite gamer plays it too. She also enjoys watching YouTube videos from Pewdiepie.

She joined futsal team in junior high school. So she will join Belitung Muda 3. Her position in team is goalkeeper. Everyone knows her as a cool person. J

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Memorable Time

It was in May 2013 when my 9th grade class friends ganged together at our teacher’s home. Her home was in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia, but I can’t remember the address exactly. Some of us gathered at school in that morning and went there in group and the others went by their own vehicles.
We got confused on the way there due to most of us not live in Cimahi. But finally we reached our teacher’s home and we were shocked with the house dog barks. Actually the dog was so nice and easy to play. Its name was Choco, named after its fur color.
We started cooking for lunch, as we planned before. But not all of us cooking for lunch, we also playing piano, singing, playing cards, and everything fun. After all, we had our lunch while watching Code Lyoko on Spacetoon.
In the afternoon, we played futsal in front of the home though two of my friends, Erina and Nurul A still couldn’t stop playing piano. When Persib, football team of Bandung played, everyone just watched it. At about 5 PM, we made a harlem shake video. And after that, many people went to one of my friend’s, Feb’s, home to keep overnight. But I didn’t join them, so I don’t know how the night was.

That day was so groovy, sometimes I want to go back to that time. That is one of my memorable experiences, I hope your experiences feel more attractive, impressed, and surely memorable. :D